魔王撒旦的奴隶 超清

4.0 推荐

分类:恐怖片 Indonesia 1982

导演:Sisworo  Gautama  Putra   







导演:Sisworo Gautama Putra


更新时间:2023-02-28 16:34


Poor teenager Tommy isn't having a good time of it. His mother just passed away at a tragically young age. Tommy starts seeing a ghostly white apparition of her unrestful spirit. He also experiences scary nightmares of an evil devil cult. Plus a couple of close friends of the family meet brutal untimely ends. Could it be mysterious new housekeeper Darminah who's behind the freaky and troubling events that have befallen Tommy and his family?Director Sisworo Gautama Putra does an expert job of ably creating and sustaining a powerfully eerie and unnerving otherworldly atmosphere. Moreover, Putra does a totally convincing job of evoking a thoroughly believable mundane everyday reality that's ripped asunder by bizarre and inexplicable supernatural phenomenon. Better still, Putra keeps the pace slow, yet steady throughout, uses violence in a shocking, but restrained manner and gradually builds up a tremendous amount of harrowing tension before pulling out all the stops with a genuinely terrifying conclusion in which all hell quite literally breaks lose. This film even offers a rich, colorful and illuminating depiction of a fascinatingly different culture and its strongly held religious beliefs. An extremely solid and satisfying foreign fright feature.

被称为恐怖片的开先河之作的《魔王撒旦的奴隶》,是Sisworo Gautama Putra最好的作品吗?

从Sisworo Gautama Putra斩获恐怖片最佳导演 我就觉得这部《魔王撒旦的奴隶》是他最好的电影。虽然Sisworo Gautama Putra后来还拍出来了评价特别好的电影,但是《魔王撒旦的奴隶》是他电影的代表作品。


《魔王撒旦的奴隶》这部剧的题材是一部恐怖片,但是《魔王撒旦的奴隶》这部剧给大家的整体风格却是一部喜剧,丝毫没有一部恐怖片的感觉,这也是大家吐槽的第一个地方,先不说这部剧《魔王撒旦的奴隶》的主演内详的演技如何,光光看《魔王撒旦的奴隶》这部剧的逻辑和节奏,就丝毫没有一部恐怖片的感觉,《魔王撒旦的奴隶》剧中最大的一个特点就是剧情过于套路化,好像所有的情节都是按照《魔王撒旦的奴隶》剧本的发展一样,丝毫没有创新,这也与本剧的导演Sisworo Gautama Putra密切相关的。一部好的恐怖片应该有一个优秀的导演导演可以让这部剧的情节跌宕起伏,激发观众的观看兴趣。同时这部剧在开播之前也没有进行大方面的宣传导致观众对这部剧的了解非常少,《魔王撒旦的奴隶》的热度也因此不断下降, 一部优秀的恐怖片尤其是像《魔王撒旦的奴隶》这样热度非常高的恐怖片系列不应该过度地注重主角,而是要注重《魔王撒旦的奴隶》剧情本身一部恐怖片的灵魂就是这部剧的情节,如果情节中都存在瑕疵,又怎样引起观众的兴趣。



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